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PaulAntonelli's blog

Effective Homes Opens

By:  Rich Levin

The following is an excerpt from an email I received from a client:

I have consistently and systematically used your home open techniques and strategies, and the simplicity of the plan works EVERY time.  I am asking for the appointments AT the opens, and people are saying fact I did a pre-qualification meeting last evening with a couple whom I just met Sunday past.

My principal mentioned my four July sales, and asked where I obtained the leads.  I told him it was an "overnight" success from doing ohome opens for 18 months worth of weekends!

The goal of the Home Open is to sell the property. As soon as you determine that the Guest is not interested in the property the goal becomes making an appointment with the Guest to meet with you for a buyer presentation.

Here in part are some ideas for Effective Home Opens:

1.  Have the seller make the house look its best. If you have to, do some tidying up yourself.

2.  Send invitations to portions of your Sphere of Infuence/Clients and Farm Markets. Ask the Sellers if they would like to invite the people on the block.

3.  Turn on every light. Open every curtain. Make the house look, smell and sound great.

4.  Bring fact sheets, switch properties, closing cost worksheets, business cards, personal brochures, a sample purchase offer, and anything that makes the buyers pause.

5.  Consider posting some professional looking small placards with notes like:

• New energy and cost savings devices
• Peak around the corner for the spa bath  
• Central vacuum
• Intercom

6.  Greet each buyer. Thank them for coming. Tell them your name and offer your hand. Offer a fact sheet. Tell a few key items about the house and tell them to feel free to wander on their own.  Then ask, "May I have your name and phone number please?"  Or, ask them to sign an Open House Register or complete a registration card.

7.  Gently ask … "Do you live in the area?"

8. Let them wander. Give them some space and time. Then catch up to them, and ask: "What was it about this property that attracted you to the home open? Would you like to see some information on other houses with (had whatever they were attracted by)?"

9. Write private, detailed notes so you can recall them,

10. Ask for an appointment at the home open! 

Most importantly, ask each Guest to meet with you to discuss helping them in their efforts to find, finance, and purchase their next home. 

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