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12 Quick Value Add Tips for Any Home

As you would be aware when it comes to selling a home, it needs to stand out from the competition. Here is a simple and quick list of cost effective ways to add value to any home. This is part of the approach we would consider when offering our Renovation Planning Service.

1. The Entry and Front Door Presentation

First impressions are important. Street appeal and the first impressions make a bit difference in attracting interest to your house and giving the absolute best first impression. Make sure the front verandah, path, patio and in particular the front door presents well.

2. Painting – lift and refresh

Get the colour scheme sorted out then using good quality paints work your way through the home painting both the walls and ceilings – where required. Important to prepare the walls and surfaces well.

3. Get the flooring sorted

The flooring makes a significant impact on the overall impression of any home. If there is carpets getting them professional cleaned is worth the money. If the floor covering is beyond its use by date then it may be necessary to replace. Be selective about the materials you choose dependent on the use of the room and how it works in the home. It is very cost effective to lay floating floor which provides an excellent finish and presents extremely well.

If floor boards exist under the carpets and they are in good condition – a simple sand and seal will make the world of difference. If you can do it yourself you will save and do it very cost effectively. For an average house it can be sanded in a couple of days – cost of Sander and Discs will be in the range of $250 to $350. For a good quality sealer the material cost will be in the range of $250 to $400.

4. Lift the Kitchen Quickly and Simply

Replace cupboard doors and the handles – for under $50 for each door.

Sometimes you can get away with preparing and painting to doors.

Another key ideas is to simply replace the benchtop, but consider what will work with your floor, and how it all ties together.

5. Replace splashback

If the cupboards are reasonable then think about giving the splashbacks area a lift.

Glass splash backs are great popular but, at about half the price, acrylic is a much cheaper.

There’s a great colour range on the market as well as clear options so you can personalise your selection with wallpaper, for instance. Just be aware that you can not use acrylic behind stoves.

6. Change the light switches and power points

For very little cost you can get all the light switches and power points replaced and lift the overall standard of the home. This provides a clean look making sure that this fittings toe together. Good switches suggest good electrics.

7. Windows – I can see clearly now

Window treatments make a significant difference to the feel and appeal of any room. Select treatments that fit in with the overall colour scheme and they will give any area an immediate lift. It is also worth getting all the windows and flyscreens professionally cleaned.

8. Bathroom Facelift

Today it is very cost effective to replace items in a bathroom. It is possible to replace the vanity unit, taps, shower recess and toilet for under $2000.00 plus installation. This can give any bathroom a major lift and increase both functionality and appeal. Also give the tile grout a lift.

9. Fit new taps

If the bathroom and kitchen are basically in good shape but just in need of a little updating, look at the taps. By installing new, good-looking, selected taps, or taps that link aesthetically, you’re bringing a sense of a theme to the house. Good taps suggest good plumbing.

10. Tidy the ga
rden and externals

Get hold of a high-pressure water blaster and give paths and external walls the once-over. Clear out weeds and add some colour tothe garden with flowers.

11. Lighting and light fittings

Good lighting can make a world of difference to any home. Have a look at the existing position and type of lighting that exists in each room. In particular good lighting is critical in the kitchen. Improvements may be as simple as replacing existing light fittings to placement of additional light fittings in either the ceiling or if appropriate on specific walls.

12. Replace doors

Often the doors and door hardware in a property can really let down the overall impression and feel of a property. Start with external doors. Make sure they are actually external doors and use these doors to create a sense of quality and security by choosing doors that reflect this. Internally make sure the doors match and that they function and latch properly. Replacing doors and hardware can be done cost effectively and provide a great lift to any home.

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